A month ago, I started doing a deep dive into the 70 "weeks" of Daniel chapter 9. These four verses of the Bible (Daniel 9:24-27) have been more misquoted, misrepresented and completely butchered than any other Scripture in the entire Bible. Here's a brief summary so far as I finish up this whole discussion with episode 6 (to be released soon...)
Listen/Watch this breakdown of the 70 Shabua of Daniel
(Episodes 2 through 6):
Before we start, please understand that I am a follower of the Way which includes both the Old and New Testament writings. Even though I prove to you and show you that the Hebrew word "mashiyach" is NOT being used at all in Daniel chapter 9 to talk about "Jesus the Messiah"... This DOES NOT mean that I deny Jesus. I am a follower of the Way and a follower of Yeshua because He is the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18:15. My goal in this life is to do my best to follow the God of the Bible as He has instructed (while completely avoiding the teachings and doctrine of men) and encourage others to do the same. It's really that simple.
Okay, with that out of the way, let's look at a complete overview of the 70 Shabua, starting here with Episode 2 of the podcast...
Can you imagine...people have been teaching us the same exact thing about the 70 weeks of Daniel since about the 3rd century AD...yet, we have been explicitly told in the book of Daniel itself that the words of the prophecy were "sealed until the time of the end". So let me ask the obvious question: Is God true and man a liar? Or is it the other way around?
Well, I think you know the answer to that question.
We have been lied to. Big time. And all the fake, phony, presumptuous teachers of the seminaries, churches and religious establishment have been lying to us, telling us that the 70 "weeks" are 70 periods of 7 years, which then adds up to a total of 490 years.
Again, let me emphasize... this same concept has been taught since roughly the 3rd century AD.
In this episode, I show you what the major sects, cults and religions teach about this prophecy, and the funniest part is that they are all teaching basically the exact same thing. Suspicious? Absolutely. How can everyone out there agree that 70 x 7 = 490 is the interpretation of the prophecy when these religious groups have RADICALLY different views. Some deny Jesus the Messiah as God. Some worship on Sunday, some on Saturday. They don't agree hardly on anything... Yet, they agree on this prophecy somehow? Sounds like group-think from George Orwell's 1984 if you ask me. Very dangerous. Highly suspicious.
Why wasn't Daniel able to eat, drink or anoint himself after seeing the vision of the 70 weeks prophecy? It's because it was something truly disturbing. Horrifying. And I will show you exactly what he saw.
All you have to do is get a Strong's Concordance out, or get some kind of a Bible Software tool (like Blueletterbible.org)...OR SOMETHING to help you just look at the original Hebrew language. And the very first thing that you will find is that the word "Shabua" is used at the very beginning of the prophecy of Daniel 9:24. The English word "weeks" is a very poor translation. The translators should have just transliterated and put the word "Shabua" instead.
The fact that pastors, churches and the religious establishment never even bothered to look this word up and do a deep dive study on its meaning is simply mind blowing. It is mind blowing how lazy and intellectually dishonest our so-called "leaders" and "pastors" can be. Because when you look up this word and see that there is a connection to the Feast of Shabua (also called the Feast of Oaths or the Feast of Weeks in English), it should be pretty clear that there is at least an alternative viewpoint to be considered.
We should at least consider an alternate viewpoint!
But...and this is my suspicion that lines up with years of observation and life experience...I am 100% convinced that the pastors and clergy that teach Daniel's 70 weeks cannot deviate at all from the doctrine and teachings of their denominations or cults because they could risk various punishments including disciplinary actions, the loss of monetary compensation, loss of position, and even excommunication.
That's the elephant in the room right there, my friend.
The establishment doesn't teach what I am about to show you because of extreme peer pressure and fear of being punished by their ruling authorities. I know this dynamic is true for a fact because I spent the majority of my years in the Calvary Chapel camp of evangelical Christian teachings... and let me tell you, if anyone deviates at all from the teachings of Chuck Smith (the founder, who is now deceased), the hammer will get dropped real quick. They will basically consider that person apostate if they don't repent. Most of these pastors simply don't ever even come up with a single creative, unique thought of their own. Most of their teachings are replicas of Chuck Smith's teachings with the spin of using their own personal life stories and experiences to help create a new church experience.
I'm sure the situation is true everywhere else.
Like any franchise--McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc.--the franchise owner that opens up a new restaurant in a town with no competition simply follows the recipes and orders the ingredients and hires the managers and staff to get the job done. They CAN'T deviate from the original franchise standard operating procedures. If they do, it's no longer the real deal. They WILL lose their ability to operate as a franchisee. They will lose their funding, supply chain perks, and all of the benefits of brand recognition if their contract gets revoked due to a breach in the terms and conditions.
Pastors and teachers that belong to a cult, religion or denomination of some sort will lose their benefits if they ever have an original thought about Scripture that deviates from the Statement of Faith of their leadership.
It's no wonder that YouTube teachers and alternative media platforms have gotten so huge in the past 10 years. People want to see raw, unfiltered personality. The mainstream church experience is dead.
I show you that Shabua actually means 49.
You take 49 x 70 = 3430 years ... and you can now unravel the biggest mysteries in the entire Bible.
Just like that. Simple. Easy.
Now that we are able to get passed the nonsense of the 490 years interpretation, I now reveal to you the next biggest mystery of the entire Bible. And that is Genesis 6:3...
For the longest time, I had no idea what this was talking about. Nobody lives to be 120 years old. But that's how it's translated into English. Well, it turns out that the Hebrew word "Shawnay" (translated as "years" in English) is the exact same concept as the "Shabua" in Daniel 9, which is the exact same concept that Yeshua told us when he said "Genea" (translated as "generation" in the English) in Matthew 24.
When I first put the pieces together, I was stunned.
Shawnay = Shabua = Genea
In order to understand the entire 70 Shabua of Daniel, you MUST know what the 120 Shabua of Mankind are. I break down the connections for you. I show you everything you need to know to arrive to the conclusion that the sum total of the years of mankind (as we currently know it) will only last until the year AD 2044 starting from the creation of Adam. That's 22 years from now till the very end.
This is a deep discussion with lots of math, different prophecies, Scriptures that you have probably not considered before, along with historical and archeological references. Come with an open mind, and put away the distractions. You will need some focus to get through this one...
With a proper understanding of dozens of Hebrew words and Scriptures at this point, we now arrive at the 70th Shabua of Daniel. That's right. We are currently living through the final, 70th Shabua that started in 1996 and goes until the year 2044.
It turns out that everyone in the REAL media...Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Ice Age Farmer, Stew Peters, etc etc...THEY HAVE ALL BEEN QUOTING DANIEL 9:26 WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT.
They are quoting Daniel 9:26 because we are currently living through this period of time. This prophecy was for us, not some distant generation in the future. With the information that I have shown you to this point, we can prove the pre-tribulational rapture theory to be completely, 100% false because all those folks believe that the rapture would happen first before the 70th "week" of Daniel could ever begin.
We are living in the 70th Shabua right now. And there's no rapture that's gonna come save anyone...yet. Sorry to break it to you. But think about all those Christians and believers that suffered during the communist revolutions in China, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, etc etc... think about all those people that were murdered, starved to death, and put into forced labor camps. They were never raptured. So what do you think would make you so much better than them? What makes Westerners so special that they will never have to suffer or go through hard times?
It's ridiculous how asleep, entitled, and comfortable the West has gotten in the midst of their prosperity (which is now leaving) and cushy lifestyles. What I will prove to you in this episode is that genetic corruption (mRNA vaccines, gene editing technologies, and chimeric experiments) was already predicted by Daniel the prophet, and we are living through it right now with the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum's henchmen like Harari touting different ways to control and kill the human population with gene modifying tools.
The anointed, which are all of the Western countries that contain the seed of Abraham (both spiritually grafted in and also the literally physical bloodline), are all being judged during this last 70th Shabua. This is the period of time in which Daniel saw some horrendous things that made him sick to his stomach for three weeks.
Get ready...
Brace yourself, and consume this information responsibly.
Thank you for tuning in so far and understanding exactly where we are in the end times, or last days, as we approach the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds. Yes, He will come for His bride at the appointed time. But the last days will be like the days of Noah before He arrives. There is suffering, but there is also joy, knowing that our redemption is near. Very near!
Please share this content with as many people as possible. Everyone deserves to know what this prophecy is actually saying. Everyone deserves to know the truth. Share this information with your loved ones and friends...but always remember..."The wise will understand, but none of the wicked will understand"... Be prepared for rejection, because this information isn't going to be received by everyone.
Only the wise will understand.